The final of the beauty and talent contest "Mr and Ms KIU – 2024" took place in KIU

On December 10, the long–awaited final of the beauty and talent contest "Mr and Ms KIU - 2024" was held within the walls of the Tatar State Puppet Theater "Ekiyat".

It is an event that inspires, delights and unites. The beauty and talent contest is not just a show, but a real celebration of youth, creativity and charisma, where the unique abilities of our students are revealed.

24 participants took part in the final - 12 talented young men and 12 charming girls.

The participants of the competition own not only external attractiveness, but also bright personalities with a rich inner world. They demonstrated their talents in art, sports, science and other fields, proving that beauty is a combination of mind, soul and creativity.

The jury evaluated not only the appearance of the participants, but also their talents, intelligence, and elegance.

The event included several competitive tests. On the "Presentation" part, the participants had to tell interesting facts about themselves to make an impression on our jury. This was followed by an "Intellectual" competition, where the contestants showed their level of education and ability to reason on various topics, then a creative one, where everyone demonstrated their talent and a fashion show competition.

The atmosphere in the hall was indescribable, filled with energy and creativity. The performances of the participants were so bright and unique that each of them left an unforgettable impression. The audience gave the contestants thunderous ovation, and the fans supported their favorites with posters, creating a real wave of enthusiasm. Every moment of this event was imbued with the spirit of competition and mutual support, which made it truly special.

This year the international student from Colombia Perez Hernandez Zharick has been awarded by the title the II Vice-Ms of KIU.

Congratulations to the winners and all participants on the successful completion of this wonderful event, which left unforgettable memories and inspiring views on the future!



Ещё новости о событии:

On December 10, the long–awaited final of the beauty and talent contest "Mr and Ms KIU - 2024" was held within the walls of the Tatar State Puppet Theater "Ekiyat".
11:02 13.12.2024 КИУ - Казань
DSC_2996.jpg - ИЭУП
On December 10, the long–awaited final of the beauty and talent contest "Mr and Ms KIU - 2024" was held within the walls of the Tatar State Puppet Theater "Ekiyat".
10:23 13.12.2024 ИЭУП - Казань
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